Tel: +20 1272259205 - E:
Tel: +20 1272259205 - E:
Tel: +20 1272259205 - E:
Tel: +20 1272259205 - E:
After child births or aging,; pelvic floor muscle, ligaments, vagina and perineum, become lax and weak. In later years the pelvic organs may fall, urine may leak and sexual pleasure is diminished. Many women feel wide, unsatisfied and complain together with their partners.
Vaginoplasty will effectively restore the lax vagina to its youthful pre-delivery healthy state, by repairing pelvic floor muscle defects, tightening and narowing the entire vaginal canal. This will enhance vaginal sexual function, aesthetic appearance and assures long lasting results. Queefing (vaginal flatulence) and urinary incontinence (leak) may also be corrected at the same time of a vaginoplasty procedure.
We do full depth vaginal repairs using minimal traumatic techniques for better healing and quicker recovery. A posterior vaginal wall vaginoplasty & perineoplasty can be done under local tumescent anesthesia, with no hospital stay and minimal discomfort.
Perineoplasty: Surgical repair of damaged muscles between the vagina and the anal canal where episiotomies are cut and where tears during childbirth are most common and badly repaired; this procedure strengthens the perineum, supports wind & bowel control and enhances vaginal tightening.
Cystocele Repair (Anterior Vaginal Wall Repair) Vaginal surgery, repairing damaged tissue and lifting the bladder bulge to its normal anatomical position, Urinary incontinence if present, may be also corrected at the same procedure.
Rectocele Repair (Posterior Vaginal Wall Repair): Repairing pelvic floor muscle defects, and restoring the rectum to its normal position. This is the most common vaginal procedure in aesthetic gynecology and can be done with local anesthesia, with no hospital stay.
Enterocele Repair (High Posterior Vaginal Repair) : Vaginal surgery suturing the enterocele sac of prolapsed & bulging small intestine loops in the upper vaginal wall
Uterine & vaginal fall (Pelvic Organ Prolapse) : Suspension surgery or a vaginal hysterectomy may be needed depending on degree of fall and symptoms.
Complete Perineal Tear: Repairing torn perineal muscles, anal canal and sphincter that are stretched and torn during child birth.
These repairs are technically quite challenging and few are trained in the accurate repair of these problems, we have extensive experience in vaginal reconstructive surgery with high success rates and excellent results.
Tel: +201272259205 - +201223675300
Genito-Urinary Syndrome of Menopause (vaginal atrophy) :
A common condition in post-menopausal women, who suffer from: vaginal dryness, decreased lubrication, inflammation, painful intercourse, itching and loss of sexual desire.
Platelet Rich Plasma injection, Growth Factor Serum and Stem Cell Therapy, are used locally in the vagina, they improve vaginal tissue structure, by increasing local blood flow and stimulate stem cell to enhance lubrication, tightness and orgasmic function.
Radio frequency helps in increasing lubrication for a dry vagina, and also helps in improving and decreasing urinary incontinence episodes, a combination of radio frequency and PRP shot gives better results in estrogen deprived females without the side effects of estrogen.
Contact Us: Tel: +201272259205 - +201223675300
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